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Gintasticbelgium Top 15: Stockholms Bränneri Gin (nr. 3)

After a lot of great gins with each their own story, we have arrived at the podium places! The number three will be the fantastic Stockholms Branneri from Stockholm (fuck logic), Sweden. A gin that we received a few months ago and yes it was love at first sight. Not only totally in love with his taste, but the bottle itself is also a gem. Beautiful bottle, beautiful label, yes.. the eye also wants something beautiful! The gin is a Nordic take on the traditional Dry gin and is made with 7 organic herbs including juniper berries, rosemary, coriander seeds, elderflower, etc... In terms of taste you not only get the juniper, but also floral notes and citrus from the lemon peel they've used. We recommend this gin with: • 5cl Stockholms Branneri gin. • 15cl Cl Fever Tree Indian Tonic. • Juniper berries. • Dried lemon slice. Enjoy our serve, enjoy Stockholms Branneri. Until tomorrow, because it's almost time for our number 1! Cheers, Gintasticbelgium

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