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Journey Gin - Review

Foto van schrijver: Gintasticbelgium Gintasticbelgium

A trip to the south of America, Walking through the jungle of Africa, climbing to the top of the Himalayas and several nights on a stormy sea, there began the story of this Journey Gin.

During these trips they were equipped with a map, a compass and the will to make a nice Gin recipe. And for this recipe, they went everywhere in search of the very best botanicals.

To make this honest gin they searched for a distillery that could fulfil their dream. They knocked at a distillery in Heilbronn, Germany. The master distiller would make the gin based on 22 botanicals.

The series of botanicals used come from different places. From North America to South America, Central Europe, North Africa and even Asia. Some botanicals that you can find in the gin are: orange peel, lime peel, lemon peel, the peel of a Spanish pepper, ginger and cinnamon.

The name is a reference to the trips they have made and also to the trips that the different botanicals have made on their way to Germany. There is also a small compass on the bottle, which is another reference to the story behind the gin.

The result is an extremely fresh Gin.

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