Have you seen this gin appear before on our instagram page? That is absolutely possible, and it means that you have been following us for a very long time! Well sometimes you just have to take good things back from the shelf and give them a second even better review. That's why I am happy to bring you this General's Gin. Let me start by saying that in the South of Africa, they really know how to make a good gin
Again a Gin made as a tribute to a legend. In this case for Little Tim. A brave South African general who led his troops through the Battle of Passchendaele during the First World War. This battle took place in Belgium, so there's a link between this gin and our little country.
This South African Gin is made with exclusive South African botanicals. The 7 botanicals can all be found on the lable of the bottle. They use lemon, candied oranges, pine needles, black pepper, dill, vanilla and Buchu. The last one is a herb that only grows in South Africa. The taste can be described as slightly sweet and fresh. The taste is reminiscent of a combination of blackcurrants and mint. Buchu is usually used to make tea.
For us this Gin is an absolute must. Very accessible, refreshing, and what a beautiful bottle it is! Tasting notes will follow tomorrow!
Finally, I would like to say that we as Belgians can be proud that this Gin is available for us. Margaux and Luc, are 2 people who work for Elvama. Take a look at the website of Elvama, they bring beautiful South African products to Belgium. They both do this with a lot of passion for the country and the South African spirits. Cheers, Gintasticbelgium